How to Prepare for Exams: Helpful Study Tips
Exams require careful preparation. You can’t just postpone the process and reach the goal with a last-minute effort.
However, you can succeed in your preparation just by following these helpful tips.

Study all the year
Play the long game. If you follow a study process throughout the year, it will ease your preparation significantly. Moreover, you won’t feel so much psychological pressure. Structure your knowledge and then begin the preparation.
If you don’t do that, you’ll have to use cramming. It’s a special term that refers to learning tons of information at a time. It may lead to fatigue and other mental and physical health problems. Save the night before the test for sleeping. Learn the material gradually.
Organize your working place
Make sure you have enough space to spread all your books out. Look around. Do you have enough room to place all the necessary things on the table? Keep in mind that there must be space for notebooks, your computer, and sticky notes as well. You may also check if you have enough light in the room. A comfortable chair is also very important.
Get all the information about the exam
Learn everything about the length of the exam, its form, and its rules. Ask the coursemates who already passed the exam about all the details and specificities of the process.
Check all the requirements, and plan your exam day. Make a list of things you’ll take with you.
Make a schedule
Form a list of topics you have to learn. Divide them by the number of days you have before the exam. Try to learn an equal amount of topics each day. Stick to the schedule. Don’t forget that the more you save for tomorrow, the harder your preparation becomes.
Moreover, make sure you study during the most appropriate time for your brain. It’s not a secret that some of us are more productive in the morning while others prefer evening or even night time. Choose the schedule that corresponds to all your needs.
Use sticky notes
Visualization of your knowledge can be really helpful. First, summarize all you learned during the day. Then take 5-10 sticky notes or just pieces of paper. Write down the most important information you got. Put the notes in plain view. Now it’s time to refresh your knowledge. Look at each of the notes and try to elaborate on the issue written on each of them.
It will help you to remember the material better.
Practice for the writing part
Writing a compelling essay, even if it’s short, is challenging. Review all the essays you’ve written during the year and pay extra attention to your professors’ feedback. If you have a list of possible topics for your exam, make a draft for each. That way, you will be prepared and won’t be too nervous about it. It will also help you present better ideas and arguments.
In the end, if you need some extra help with the essay drafts, you can always refer to professionals on the web
Explain the material to your friends or family
Ask your friend or your sister to play the role of the examiner. Let him/her choose the topic. Now sit in front of your new examiner and try to answer as if you are already passing the real exam. After you finish your speech, ask the person who was listening to you if the answer sounded okay. Pay attention to all the questions that may occur and write down everything. You should also take into account their opinion about the way you look or behave. The first impression is very important.
Take a break
Rest is as much important as studying. If you don’t give yourself a break, this may lead to constant tiredness. You will feel exhausted. In the end, it may lead to physical and mental health problems. It is counterproductive. So make sure you find 5-10 minutes for a break every 1-2 hours.
Eat healthy food and drink more water
Your brain needs extra support to remember tons of information at a time. So make sure you eat healthy food that can be the source of energy for you. There is a list of products that are really helpful for brain concentration. Fish, nuts, blueberries, cocoa, dark chocolate, broccoli, pumpkin seeds can be both tasty and useful. Avoid junk food?no chips, burgers, and cigarettes during your preparation time. You will need all your physical and mental energy to remember the material.
Stay calm and relaxed
Sian Beilock, a cognitive scientist and the eighth President of Barnard College, says that anxiety and low self-esteem can play a dirty trick when you demonstrate what you know. So practice not only good answers but also the way you behave. In her research, Sian emphasizes the importance of making a list of your benefits. Take a piece of paper and write down all your positive attributes right before the examiner’s door. This may become very helpful for people with a high level of anxiety.