Why You Need Log Management Software
Technology is evolving rapidly, and it?s changing the world around us at an incredible rate as a result. The original iPhone was only released a decade ago, and now smartphones are considered an extension of the human body. Remote work is becoming the norm, rather than an anomaly. The world is moving faster and faster.

However, there are still some traditional, foundational tools and processes in place that are becoming more important as time goes by. Log management is one of them. Here?s what log management software does, and why modern businesses need to have it in place.
What is Log Management?
The definition of a log hasn?t changed throughout the ages. A log is a documented description of an event or series of events that took place, that can be used to reflect back on to help solve problems or provide guidance.
When used in the context of a computer, it?s an automated report of what?s going on in the system at a given time. This can be used to identify if someone accessed or changed something they shouldn?t have or if there?s a problem that could impact business efforts.
Log management is how those logs are transmitted, stored, accessed, utilized, and disposed of over time. Due to the volume and complexity of logs within an organization, it?s essential to have procedures and tools in place to keep logs functional and protect the data. Log management software makes this possible.
Aside from the obvious management of a lot of data, here are some of the main reasons why log management is crucial.
Cybersecurity isn?t just a buzzword that stems from evolving technologies; it?s a very real issue that businesses of all sizes, in all industries, need to consider. Many small businesses make the mistake of thinking they?re exempt from targeted attacks based on their size. On the contrary, small businesses are targeted as often as large businesses due to their lack of resources to invest in cybersecurity measures.
Many log management programs not only notify a business when an issue arises but also go into lockdown mode when it detects suspicious activity. As it?s rare to have an IT staff member reviewing logs at three in the morning, this feature can prevent malicious attacks that could damage the business.
Businesses have to contend with a lot of different regulatory bodies on a daily basis. As technology becomes more prevalent, more rules and regulations are being put in place with the goal of protecting both businesses and consumers. The HIPPA, for example, is designed to protect personal information and impacts not only medical facilities but also fitness centers and anyone else who collects health data.
Many regulatory bodies will conduct log audits to ensure that proper cybersecurity and data protection methods are being followed. Having log monitoring software in place helps manage these requests. Failure to comply to regulations often results in hefty fines and legal fees, as well as a tarnished reputation with governing officials and consumers.
Efficiency in Business
Log management plays a key role in the overall efficiency of the business. Having this software in place can minimize application downtime that can result in a reallocation of resources, lost productivity or lost sales. Additionally, it creates a centralized system for all members of a team to communicate and draw information from.
Finally, as technology develops, businesses are looking for ways to become more automated so that employees can spend more time on high-value tasks. Log management software is a form of automation that has the potential to change how an IT department is run, creating a cost-effective solution.
Modern businesses work with a lot of different technologies, burdening IT professionals with various monitoring tasks. Having log monitoring in place can help protect and maintain data integrity while benefiting a business in a multitude of ways.