30 Super Cool Backgrounds For Your Screens
Backgrounds play a vital role in designing or editing. For image editing or graphic designing, background creation is the first part. Backgrounds can be used for anything like your social media profiles, desktop computers, mobiles or tablets. When you have a nice high quality background, your screen may look great which will make you want to work on it.
Backgrounds can be of any type and color. They can be of single color or multiple colors with patterns or anything as you like. These backgrounds can be the pictures of anything like the pictures of delightful creatures and flowers. Backgrounds can be of nature and can be of whatever else. So the backgrounds can also have a lot more categories, which are adored by so many people. People nowadays are always searching for cool and trendy wallpapers to give some life to their screens or projects. The problem is that there is a sea of wallpapers on internet and it makes it hard for people to choose from and they go on looking for better options. This can take a lot of time and you don’t always want to do that.
So, I have gathered 30 of the coolest backgrounds which you can utilize to make your desktop look lively and presentable. I have also given a little description to each background for your ease. Enjoy!
Beautiful Norway
Here is a stunning wallpaper of the beautiful Norway which is going to make your desktop screens looks a lot more amazing. This HD wallpaper with beautiful colors and the scenery is sure to provide an amazing sight to you.
Autumn Maple Leaves
Who doesn’t like the fall season and the colorful leaves everywhere? Well, here is one such wallpaper which has beautiful autumn maple leaves to get you right in the autumn feel. You can download this wallpaper for free.
Howlin at the Moon
This wallpaper looks like a scene out of a movie! It is so beautiful that it is surely going to make your screens look a lot appealing with its scenic beauty. You can download this wallpaper in any resolution you like according to your screens.
Christmas is right around the corner and people are looking out for ideas to get their trees decorated like every year! This is yet another beautiful wallpaper of a Christmas tree which has been amazingly decorated with the Christmas light and all the beautiful stuff.
Sunset At The Beach
This is a wallpaper of a sunset at the beach where you an see mesmerizing colors. This will definitely make your mood a lot more amazing.
Water Drops On Purple Leaf
A yet another striking wallpaper which will make your screens look a lot more stunning. You can see tiny water drops on a purple leaf.
Dorset Road
You can use this stunning picture of Dorset road which will make your screens a lot more green , fresh and ravishing.
This is a mind-blowing shot of Nido Tower in London at sunset from a roof. This wallpaper will definitely light up your screens.
How stunning is this shot of snow covered mountains by the photographer R. Voogt. This is perfect for people who love nature and snow covered mountains.
What a beautiful background picture this is?You have to agree with me. This is a picture of a bubble in sphere shape which focuses on a tiny plant as the sun sets.
A beautiful road bicycle illustration which can be used as your background to make it look more presentable.
This stunning picture is of Bora Bora Island which is in Maldives. You can use this as your background picture as it reminds you how beautiful the nature is around you.
Apple Glass
You will fall in love with this illustration of a transparent apple glass. You can use it to give a classy look to your screen.
Coffee Beans
This is an image of spilled coffee beans in a plate from a cup with a beautiful simple background. This will be perfect for you if you are a coffee lover.
Hot Air Balloons
A breathtaking view of hot air balloons from Cappadocia which is located in Turkey.
If you are looking for something simple, colorful and prismatic then this image is perfect for you. This orange, red, blue background will satisfy your needs.
If you are a fan of lights and rain then this is the perfect bokeh for your background image.
Frappe Drink
Girls are always looking for something cute as well as cool. This frappe drink background will be perfect for you as it has the combination of perfect colors.
Here is something for people who love colors. This image is combination of red and blue color thrown in air which looks mesmerizing.
Dragon Wings
This beautiful art of a dragon will make your screen look lively and classy. This will be perfect for people who love dragons and art.
How can anyone not love Maldives? This background image is of a heart made from trees in an island in Maldives.
Orange Tulips
This stunning image of beautiful orange tulips is for people who love nature and flowers a little too much.
This is picture of a star fish at the side of the beach where it has also left a mark of its body on sand.
Light Trails On Highway
Beautiful photography of light trails on highway will serve as a perfect background.
Violet Leaves
You will definitely use this background image once in your lifetime. A beautiful tree with violet leaves will leave you in awe.
A stunning macro picture of dandelions covered with little drops. You can see the tiniest details.
This is a picture of a jellyfish underwater. How breathless does this look?
A background picture which has two seagulls standing on a beach at sunrise. You will definitely fall in love with this picture.
An amazing picture of a sunset from a hill. Everything looks insanely perfect.