What Exactly is SEO?
Have you heard of the term SEO but are feeling confused as to what it is? Perhaps you have a business friend that has been raving about it and you do not even know where to start. Perhaps you have heard some things but are feeling unsure what is true and what is not. The good news is that we are here. The NYC Website Design experts are going to explain exactly what SEO is, why it?s important, and even a few quick tips to increase your SEO. Keep reading to learn more.

First, we are going to share what SEO is. SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is the ranking on Google or Bing or another search engine site that allows people to type into the search bar and websites will appear in order. There are many different SEO strategies that can be added to a marketing plan.
When was the last time you scrolled to the bottom of page one on Google? An even better question, when was the last time you scrolled to the third or fourth page of Google? Probably not recently. That is why SEO is so important. People are not scrolling through pages in order to find you. They are looking at the top few companies that appear on Google and clicking one of them in order to find what they are looking for. It?s natural human behavior. Whether those are the right companies for them, or they really should be coming to you, they are not going to be able to find you if you are not ranked high on a search engine site.
We are going to use this final example while talking about SEO. How many people are currently clicking on your website? Let?s say about 20 people click on your website each month through searching for it. That means you don?t have an SEO strategy in place yet. That means that you are trying to increase your ranking but have not yet. Of those 20 people, how many are converting into sales? Perhaps 50% become a customer or come to your store or business. That means that 10 people purchase something from searching from you online. Now, imagine more people were finding you online. Perhaps you raised your ranking to the middle of the first page of Google. Suddenly a lot more people are clicking on your website and you have 2000 people visiting your website. Of those, the same amount of people end up being a sale, which is 50%. That means you went from 10 sales from SEO traffic to 1500 sales simply because you increased your ranking on Google. That is how powerful SEO can be and why it?s so important to have a plan set in place so that your business can profit from having a high ranking.
Now, we are going to talk about some of the things you can be doing in order to increase your ranking on search engine sites. The first one is that you can be blogging on a regular basis. Google likes to see you adding fresh content to your website and making changes to your website. One of the best ways to do this is to upload a blog regularly so that people are drawn to your website. Make sure that you add images to the blog as well as keywords and key phrases that people are typing into Google in order to find you.
The second thing is to have at least 300 words on each page. Google wants to know that people know what they are looking at. They want your website to have substance to it. That is why it?s a good idea to add a couple of paragraphs on each page of your website.
The third tip is not to have typos. Of course, you are human, and they happen. That is why it?s a good idea to have someone go through your website to ensure there are no typos and everything flows together well.
Next, you want photos. People are visual learners and when you have photos it allows them to understand through images instead of only text. If you have a lot of text on a page, an image allows you to break up the text so that it visually looks more appealing. Try and save the image as a keyword or a keyword phrase too. This will tell Google what that photo is about which will help your SEO ranking. When you are uploading the photo to the site, you also want to add in the image title and will in the description. Again, this is continuing to tell Google what the picture, what that blog, and what the site is all about. These little things really will make a huge difference.
The final tip that we have for you is to make sure you have your contact information displayed multiple times. There is nothing more frustrating than a person wanting to purchase something or come to your store and not having the information to do so. Google will catch onto this and rank you lower. Make it easy for people to get in contact with you.
We hope that this helped, and you are on your way to a much higher-ranking website. Remember that SEO really is important for your overall marketing strategy and so that your business continues to increase in sales. Even if you hire a digital marketing agency to help you with your SEO sales, your return on investment will still be huge! Continue practicing these tips and you will be on your way to the first page on Google.