3 Major Signs That It’s Time to Update Your Website
It’s almost impossible to run a business anywhere in the world without having a company website. With over 90% of commerce beginning with an online search, it’s imperative that your company has a strong website to establish your online presence. Your website doesn’t need to be fancy or cost you a bundle to develop, but it needs to be up to date to be effective.
If you have a website that you haven’t checked on in a while, it might likely need some freshening up. Your website functions as your introduction to the online world and an avenue for customers to find their way to your service or product. If your website is slow, has outdated information, or is hard for customers to navigate, it could be working against you as a business tool.
Web design agency San Francisco is accommodating in fixing the website issues. Regularly updating website issues is very useful in boosting search engine rankings.

For the bigger things in life, you always call in the experts. You may call Move Central when you want to relocate to a new home, and sometimes it’s to your advantage to bring in a professional to work on your website. Most business owners are not fluent in website design and rely on independent contractors to build their pages. After your site is online, that shouldn’t be the end of your maintenance work. Take a look at your website today to see if you can spot any of these issues that may mean that your website needs to be updated.
Low Ranking
If your website is not being picked up and well-ranked on Google searches, you are not working efficiently. Having a website that customers can easily find and access is crucial for your business. To have a high-ranking website, you must generate traffic to both your desktop and mobile version platforms.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process that helps your site become more visible and accredited to search engines using keywords and metadata. The SEO score of your website directly translates to its search engine ranking. Adding more SEO features to your website is not complicated. It includes posting more relative content, more menu categories, and adding meta descriptions and alt tags to your photos and content.
Mobile Friendly
Nearly half of all internet usage and searches are now done using a mobile device. As the world of technology expands, consumers can find anything they need right in their smartphones. If your website doesn’t have a functioning mobile version, you could be missing out on nearly half of your potential business. Google has several easy to install mobile plugins like Google’s Mobile-First Indexing that allow you to take your website to the next level of accessibility.
Running Slow
Internet users are not always patient, and if your site is lagging when loading it’s pages, you will find that many users leave the site before getting the information. It’s essential to continuously check-up on your website’s versions to ensure that your load speed is sufficient. Upgrading your website’s speed performance can help users to have a smooth experience without any delays. To improve your speed performance, you can try:
- Enabling your browser caching
- Upgrade web hosting
- Optimize images and video sizes
- Remove unused or unnecessary plugins
You may put a lot of time and effort into building your company website, but if it’s not easily found or operating at an efficient speed, it’s not going to work to your advantage. Review your website performance regularly to determine whether you are putting your website’s best version out on the internet.